Перегляд зібрання за групою - Автори Кондратенко, Олександр

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Результати 19 до 38 із 105 < назад   далі >
Дата випускуНазваАвтор(и)
2021-09-06Determination of reference values of complex fuel and ecological criterion as the separate independent factor of ecoloical safetyКондратенко, Олександр; Андронов, Володимир; Колосков, Володимир; Ткаченко, Олександра; Капінос, Єлизавета
2021-04-15Determination of reference values of complex fuel-ecological criterion and ponderability of its fuel componentКапінос, Єлизавета; Ткаченко, Олександра; Рахул, А; Кондратенко, Олександр
2022-02-24Determination of the values emissions of heat energy and motor fuel vapors for ap¬pli¬cation in the criteria-based assessment of the ecological safety level of exploitation process of vehicles with reciprocating ICEПоліщук, Тетяна; Касьонкіна, Наталія; Шпотя, Маргарита; Кондратенко, Олександр
2023-11-05Determination of Thermophysical Properties of Alternative Motor Fuels as an Environmental Aspect of Internal Combustion EnginesУмеренкова, Ксенія; Борисенко, Віталій; Кондратенко, Олександр; Лєвтєров, Антон
2023-10-13Determination of Thermophysical Properties of Alternative Motor Fuels as an Environmental Aspect of Internal Combustion EnginesУмеренкова, Ксенія; Борисенко, Віталій; Кондратенко, Олександр; Лєвтєров, Антон
2021-10-21Development and Use of the Index of Particulate Matter Filter Efficiency in Environmental Protection Technology for Diesel-Generator with Consumption of BiofuelsКондратенко, Олександр; Андронов, Володимир; Колосков, Володимир; Строков, Олександр
2022-04-20Development of a controlled reserve-respiratory valve of reservoires for storage of technical combustable liquids with taking into account the inhalation phase of the small breath phenomenonПоліщук, Тетяна; Касьонкіна, Наталія; Кондратенко, Олександр
2021-12-08Development of the model of fire vehicle exploitation with diesel reciprocating internal combustion engineКондратенко, Олександр; Пономаренко, Роман; Артюхов, Єгор; Шпотя, Маргарита
2022-04-20Development of the model of fire vehicle exploitation with diesel reciprocating internal combustion engineАртюхов, Єгор; Шпотя, Маргарта; Кондратенко, Олександр; Пономаренко, Роман
2024-09-09Ensuring ecological and fire safety during the operation of motor vehicles based on piston pneumatic and cryo engines using nitrogenКондратенко, Олександр; Умеренкова, Ксенія; Лєвтєров, Антон; Строков, Олександр; Колосков, Володимир; Литвиненко, Ольга
2021-04-15Environment protection technology of 1.7 GW thermal power plant that consuming coal and masut for utiluzation of ash-slag solid waste and prevention of pollution of groundОлійник, Тетяна; Кондратенко, Олександр
2021-04-15Environment protection technology of gasoline station for prevention of emission of fuel vapor into atmosphere caused by phenomena of large and small reservoir breathingЛаданець, Тетяна; Кондратенко, Олександр
2022-12-01Expediency of studies of the concerning the development of environmental protection technology against the complex physical and chemical influence of reciprocating ICE with different degrees of wearКраснов, Вячеслав; Кондратенко, Олександр; Бабакін, Вадим
2022-12-01Expediency of studies of the impact of use of explosives in a military conflict on the environment ecologically safe stateНікулеско, Дмитро; Нікулеско, Анна; Данченко, Юлія; Кондратенко, Олександр
2024-04-10Exploring the digital landscape: interdisciplinary perspectives. Monograph. Сhapter 5 «Artificial intelligence and innovative educational approaches in digital society». Subsection 5.6. Ecological safety of transport as a component of national security of Ukraine during armed aggression and as a prerequisite for a «green» transition during post-war reconstructionКондратенко, Олександр; Литвиненко, Ольга
2024-05-16Implementation of hydrogen storage technoligy based on metal hydrides into the high-power electric machines cooling systemsКондратенко, Олександр; Умеренкова, Ксенія; Колосков, Володимир; Колоскова, Ганна; Литвиненко, Ольга; Борисенко, Віталій
2024-04-26Improved classification of systems of complex purification of aerosol of exhaust gas of diesel reciprocating internal combustion engines from particulate mattersКондратенко, Олександр; Андронов, Володимир
2021-09-08Improvement of the complex of mathematical models of efficiency of operation of the particulate matter filter of diesel internal combustion engineКондратенко, Олександр; Андронов, Володимир
2022-11-01Justification of the relevance of a complex assessment of the artillery impact on the environment condition as а combat actions resultДанченко, Юлія; Кондратенко, Олександр; Нікулеско, Дмитро; Нікулеско, Анна
2023-09-05Mathematical apparatus for simulation of thermophysical properties of alternative motor fuels with the purpose of ecologization of internal combustion enginesКондратенко, Олександр; Умеренкова, Ксенія; Лєвтєров, Антон; Строков, Олександр; Колосков, Володимир