Перегляд зібрання за групою - Теми
- Keywords— geometric object, coverage, configuration space, optimization. 2
- Kharkiv region 2
- kinetics 1
- Klíčová slova: odborná činnost záchranářů, extrémní pracovní podmínky, psychotraumatické faktory. 1
- knowledge 1
- knowledge about HSS 1
- knowledge about nature 1
- Knowledge Management Systems – KMS 1
- Knowledge-system (KS) 1
- labor potential 1
- labor protection, occupational health and safety, working environment authority, regulatory acts/enactments, labor standards, coal industry, ore mining 1
- labor relations 1
- labor safety 1
- laboratory facility 1
- Laboratory support 1
- Laboratory support, Education of engineers and scientists, Practical skills, Laboratory work, Demonstration, Research 1
- Laboratory work 1
- LabView 1
- Lagrange equation of the second kind 2
- Lagrangian equation of the second kind 1