Перегляд зібрання за групою - Теми
- Keywords: configuration space, generalized variables, placement, modeling of the movement of human flows, mathematical model. 1
- Keywords: ecological safety, environment protection technologies, reciprocating internal combustion engines, alternative motor fuels, thermophysical properties, phase equilibrium, mathematical model, perturbation theory, forecasting. 1
- Keywords: government, environmental security, terms, approaches. 1
- Keywords: heat fire detector, transient function, frequency characteristics, sampling interval. 1
- Keywords: human safety, evacuation, inhomogeneous flows, modeling, optimization, active movement with possible force actions, natural deformations of the human body 1
- Keywords: Occupational Safety and Health, Undeclared work, Control, Information and analytical support 1
- Keywords: professional fire-rescue activity, extreme conditions of activity, psychologic traumatic features 1
- Keywords: reinforced concrete cross bar, concrete strength reduction factor, fire resistance, concrete strength 1
- Keywords: shadow economy, financial intermediaries, innovative strategies, innovations in public administration, modeling, innovative development. 1
- Keywords: state policy, sustainable development, region, forecasting, model, indicators 1
- Keywords:state gender policy, gender approach, gender balance, gender balanced business, gender-dominant, gender-loyal, gender-inclusive business, gender equality, gender gaps 1
- Keywords— geometric object, coverage, configuration space, optimization. 2
- Kharkiv region 2
- kinetics 1
- Klíčová slova: odborná činnost záchranářů, extrémní pracovní podmínky, psychotraumatické faktory. 1
- knowledge 1
- knowledge about HSS 1
- knowledge about nature 1
- Knowledge Management Systems – KMS 1
- Knowledge-system (KS) 1