Перегляд зібрання за групою - Теми fire resistance

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Результати 1 до 20 із 20
Дата випускуНазваАвтор(и)
2021Evaluation of fire resistance of fire protected steel structures by calculation and experimental method.Kovalov, А.; Otrosh, Y.; Tomenko, V.; Slovinsky, V.
2018Feature of fire resistance calculation of steel designs with intumescent coatingVasilchenko, A.V.; Otrosh, Y.A.
2018-11Feature of fire resistance calculation of steel structures with intumescent coatingOtrosh, Yuriy; Vasilchenko, Alexey; Kovalov, Andrey; Adamenko, Nikolay; Doronin, Evgeny
2023Fire-Resistant Coatings, Obtained by Layer-by-Layer Assembly, in the System of Silicic Acid Gel – Diammonium Hydrogen Phosphate – UreaSkorodumova, Olga; Sharshanov, Andriy; Chebotaryova, Olena; Kurepin, Vyacheslav
2020-08-07Formation of Fire Retardant Properties in Elastic Silica Coatings for Textile MaterialsSkorodumova, Olga; Tarakhno, Olena; Chebotaryova, Olena; Hapon, Yulіana; Fatih Mehmet, Emen; Скородумова, Ольга Борисовна
2020Formation of Fire Retardant Properties in Elastic Silica Coatings for Textile MaterialsSkorodumova, Olga; Tarakhno, Olena; Chebotaryova, Olena; Hapon, Yuliana; Emen, Fatih Mehmet; Скородумова, Ольга Борисовна; Тарахно, О.В.
2020Improvement of Fire Resistance of Polymeric Materials at their Filling with AluminosilicatesRuban, Artem; Vasilchenko, Alexey; Bezuhla, Yuliia
2020-08Improvement of Fire Resistance of Polymeric Materials at their Filling with AluminosilicatesBlyznyuk, Oleksandr; Vasilchenko, Alexey; Ruban, Artem; Bezuhla, Yuliia
2022-08Improving the Fire-Retardant Properties of Cotton-Containing Textile Materials through the Use of Organo-Inorganic SiO2 SolsSkorodumova, Olga; Tarakhno, Olena; Chebotaryova, Olena
2022-08Mathematical Modeling of the Protective Effect of Ethyl Silicate Gel Coating on Textile Materials under Conditions of Constant or Dynamic Thermal ExposureSkorodumova, Olga; Tarakhno, Olena; Sharshanov, Andrey; Babayev, Atabala
2018-11Method of investigation of combined influence "explosion-fire" on a reinforced concrete ribbed plateAnatskiy, D.B.; Vasilchenko, A.V.
2022Multifunctional Single-Layer Coating on a Base of Silicon Sylgard-184 ElastomerBorisenko, Vitaliy G.; Timakov, Egor V.; Andryushchenko, Lubov A.; Kudin, Alexander M.; Goroneskul, Marianna M.
2018Nanocomposite coatings for protective firefighter uniforms with improved performance characteristicsGoroneskul, Marianna N.; Andryushchenko, Lubov A.; Kudin, Alexander M.
2022Possible Mechanism for Increasing the Fire Resistance of a Polymer Coating Filled with Diatomaceous BiosilicaGoroneskul, Marianna M.; Borisenko, Vitaliy G.; Andryushchenko, Lubov A.; Kudin, Alexander M.; Wojtczak, I.; Brzozowska, Weronica; Olewnik-Kruszkowska, Eva; Sprynskyy, Myroslav
2022Silicon protective coatings for textile materials based on liquid glassSkorodumova, Olga; Tarakhno, Olena; Chebotaryova, Olena; Bajanova, Katheryn
2024SILICOPHOSPHATE FIREPROOF COATINGS FOR BUILDING MATERIALSЛисак, Наталія Михайлівна; Скородумова, Ольга Борисівна; Чернуха, Антон Андрійович; Гончаренко, Яна Миколаївна; Мележик, Роман Сергійович
2023Study of Phosphorus-Containing Silica Coatings Based on Liquid Glass for Fire Protection of Textile MaterialsSkorodumova, Olga; Tarakhno, Olena; Babayev, Atabala; Chernukha, Anton; Shvydka, Svitlana
2022Thermal and Fire Resistance of Luminescent Coating on a Base of Silicon Elastomer with Diatomaceous Biosilica FillerKudin, Alexander M.; Andryushchenko, Lubov A.; Borisenko, Vitaliy G.; Goroneskul, Marianna M.; Wojtczak, I.; Brzozowska, Weronica; Olewnik-Kruszkowska, Eva; Sprynskyy, Myroslav
2021Евакуаційні знаки з люмінесцентними покриттями на основі еластомеру SYLGARD-184Андрющенко, Любов А.; Горонескуль, Маріанна М.; Борисенко, Віталій Г.; Kudin, Alexander M.
2022-04-20Сalculation of fire resistance of fire protected reinforced concrete structures.Kovalov, А.; Poklonsky, V. Yurchenko S.; Otrosh, Y.; Tomenko, V.; Yurchenko, S.