Browsing by Author Кондратенко, Олександр

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Showing results 1 to 20 of 108  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2023-12-07Analysis of complex environmental protection technologies against the influence of diesel RICE of emergency and rescue equipmentКондратенко, Олександр; Краснов, Вячеслав; Семикін, Віталій
2023-12-08Analysis of complex environmental protection technologies against the influence of diesel RICE of emergency and rescue equipmentКондратенко, Олександр; Краснов, Вячеслав; Семикін, Віталій
2021-05-18Analysis of current condition heat balance public institution (PI), regional centre of extracurricular education (RCEE) and work with talented youth (WTY) in c. Sumy and his influence on components of the environmentСвірська, Олександра; Кондратенко, Олександр
2024-04-26Analysis of foreign classification of diesel particulate matter filters designs and their efficiencyКраснов, Вячеслав; Кондратенко, Олександр
2021-12-02Application of reference values of coefficient of ponderability of fuel consumption as a component of desirability functions in assessment of ecological safety of exploitation process of vehiclesКондратенко, Олександр; Касьонкіна, Наталія; Поліщук, Тетяна; Шпотя, Маргарита
2022-04-20Application of reference values of complex fuel and ecological criterion and coefficient of ponderability of fuel consumption for entre field of operation regimes of diesel ICEПоліщук, Тетяна; Касьонкіна, Наталія; Шпотя, Маргарита; Руденко, Юлія; Кондратенко, Олександр
2022-06-22Approach to development of complex technology for protecting the environment from the influence of chemical and physical factors from the reciprocating internal combustion engineКраснов, Вячеслав; Кондратенко, Олександр
2022-11-02Approach to development of complex technology for protecting the environment from the influence of chemical and physical factors from the reciprocating internal combustion engineКраснов, Вячеслав; Кондратенко, Олександр
2024-05-25Assessment of emission of vapors of technical flammable liquids caused by effects of large and small breathing of reservoirs of oil storage enterpriseКондратенко, Олександр; Полов'ян, Ганна; Швед, Анна; Терещенко, Юрій; Мірошніченко, Давід
2022-12-08Comparative study of known formulas for the conversion of opacity indicators of exhaust gas of diesel engines as an environmental hazard factorКондратенко, Олександр; Строков, Олександр; Бабакін, Вадим; Литвиненко, Ольга; Рижченко, Ольга; Краснов, Вячеслав
2021-04-15Concidering of CO2 emissions as the greenhouse gas in criteria-based assessment of ecological safety level of diesel-generator exploitation process as the basis of energy supply in emergency situationСнісар, Олександра; Кондратенко, Олександр
2020-10-10Criteria based assessment of efficiency of conversion of reciprocating ICE of hybrid vehicle on consumption of biofuelsКондратенко, Олександр; Колосков, Володимир; Строков, Олександр; Коваленко, Світлана; Деркач, Юрій
2020-11-15Determination of emissions of vapor of technic flammable liquids from enterprise for their storing and distribution and rational ajustments of their breathing valvesКондратенко, Олександр; Колосков, Володимир; Коваленко, Світлана; Деркач, Юрій; Боцмановська, Олеся; Подоляко, Наталія
2022-04-20Determination of environmental effect from conversion of diesel reciprocating internal combustion engine of hybrid electric vehicle on consumptionАртюхов, Єгор; Шпотя, Маргарта; Кондратенко, Олександр; Пономаренко, Роман
2021-11-02Determination of environmental effect from conversion of reciprocating internal combustion engine of hybrid electric vehicle on consumption of motor fuel of biological origin according to the european steady cycleКондратенко, Олександр; Пономаренко, Роман; Артюхов, Євген; Шпотя, Маргарита; Рєчкін, Богдан; Борисенко, Юлія
2021-05-20Determination of properties of material of porous fuel briquettes from the solid combustible waste impregnated with liquid combustible wasteКондратенко, Олександр; Колосков, Володимир; Коваленко, Світлана; Деркач, Юрій
2022-05-19Determination of rational composition and properties of building materials based on ash-and-slag waste from coal and masute fuel combustion at heat-and-electic power stationКондратенко, Олександр; Колосков, Володимир; Колоскова, Ганна; Koзуля, Mapiя; Олійник, Тетяна; Краснов, В`ячеслав
2021-09-06Determination of reference values of complex fuel and ecological criterion as the separate independent factor of ecoloical safetyКондратенко, Олександр; Андронов, Володимир; Колосков, Володимир; Ткаченко, Олександра; Капінос, Єлизавета
2021-04-15Determination of reference values of complex fuel-ecological criterion and ponderability of its fuel componentКапінос, Єлизавета; Ткаченко, Олександра; Рахул, А; Кондратенко, Олександр