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dc.contributor.authorГонтаренко, Людмила Олександрівна-
dc.description.abstractProfessiograpbic Analysis of Activities of Employees of Emergency Call Duty Operator-Dispatcher Service. - Manuscript. The dissertation for obtaining the Scientific Degree of the Candidate of Psychological Sciences in Speciality 19.00.09 " Psychology of activity in special con<litions. - The University of Civil Defense ofUkraine. - Кharkiv, 2008. The dissertation presents the results of the research devoted to the scientific proЫem of professiographic analysis of activity of employees of the Emergency Call Duty Operator - Dispatcher Service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Ukraine and deteпnines the algorithm ( decisive rule) of obtaining psychological information as for personal aptitude for <lispatching activity type in the framework ofthe Ministry of Emergency Situations ofUkraine. Тhе author has proved that the professional activity efficiency of the employees of the Emergency Call Duty Operator - Dispatcher Service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Ukraine, Ьeing one of the major links in the chain of all rescue subdivisions reactions to emergencies, depends on а complex of professionally important qualities of the personnel, which, Ьу the professiographic description results, should Ье used in professional and psychological selection and psychological guidance ofthe personnel activity. Тhе major professjonally important qualities of the employees of the Emergency Call Duty Operator - Dispatcher Service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Ukraine are blghlighted as the most significant, i.e. attentional, mneumonic, motorial, imaginative, emotional, willing, lingual and communication features, as well as Ieading motives for the professional choice of the aЬovementioned employees. Major psychological types of the employees of the Emergency Call Duty Operator - Dispatcher Service of the Мinistry of Emergency Situations of Ukrame that have common psychological special features were pointed out and described, namely; active-consistent, anxious-introvert, impulsive and active-impulsive types of workers among_ "1_12_ Service" personnel; and impulsive-hyposthenic, passivedependent, neurot1c-tumd and hyperthymic types of workers among the duty operator - dispatcher service personael. . ~е algorithm (the decisive rule) for obtaining ot' the psychological mformatюn as for the personal aptitude for dispatching activity type in the ftamework ofthe МЕS ofUkraine has been developed and suggested. . Кеу words: employee of the Emergency Call Duty Operator - Dispatcher Serv1ce, professюnally important fi tur · · · с. • еаru_RU
dc.subjectсотрудник дежурно-диспетчерской службы экстренного вызова профессионапьно ва:ж:ные качества, профессиографическое описание, профессиоиштьно-психологический отборru_RU
dc.titleПрофесіографічний аналіз діяльності працівників чергово-диспетчерської служби екстреного виклику МНС Україниru_RU
Розташовується у зібраннях:Кафедра соціальних і гуманітарних дисциплін

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