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dc.contributor.authorPietukhov, R.-
dc.contributor.authorKireev, O.-
dc.contributor.authorTregubov, D.-
dc.contributor.authorHovalenkov, S.-
dc.description.abstractTo isolate the surface of toxic liquids, it is proposed to use fast-hardening highly resistant foams. To obtain fast-hardening, highly resistant foams, the process of gel and foaming is combined. For this, solutions of sodium polysilicate and gelation catalyst are mixed. To increase the stability of the foams, it is proposed to add water-soluble polymers to the gel-forming composition.ru_RU
dc.publisherTrans Tech Publications Ltd, Switzerlandru_RU
dc.relation.ispartofseriesISSN: 1662-9752, Vol. 1038, pp 374-382;Vol. 1038-
dc.subjectlightweight material, fast-hardening foams, insulating properties, foam life, gelation, water-soluble polymersru_RU
dc.titleExperimental Study of the Insulating Properties of a Lightweight Material Based on Fast-Hardening Highly Resistant Foams in Relation to Vapors of Toxic Organic Fluidsru_RU
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