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dc.contributor.authorTsytlishvili, Kateryna-
dc.contributor.authorРашкевич, Ніна Владиславна-
dc.contributor.authorPoltavska, Dana-
dc.description.abstractThe paper presents studies of the process of purification of model wastewater, which contained high concentrations of animal proteins, fats and hydrocarbons. The model wastewater solution was treated by biosorption treatment in a bioreactor; with pre-ozonation (O3) and biosorption purification in the bioreactor and in the variant with pre-treatment with ozonation and hydrogen peroxide – by the method of AOPs (O3/H2O2) or the process «Peroxon». The efficiency of cleaning by chemical oxygen consumption when using the AOPs method reached (97-98) %, disinfection – up to 100 %.uk_UA
dc.relation.ispartofseriesKey Engineering Materialsthis link is disabled, 2022 925, Р. 169–178;-
dc.titleResearch of Modern Technologies of Wastewater Treatment of Food Products Combined with Ozonation and Hydrogen Peroxideuk_UA
Розташовується у зібраннях:Кафедра пожежної профілактики в населених пунктах

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