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dc.contributor.authorMyroshnychenko, A.-
dc.contributor.authorLoboichenko, V.-
dc.contributor.authorDivizinyuk, M.-
dc.contributor.authorLevterov, A.-
dc.contributor.authorРашкевич, Ніна Владиславна-
dc.contributor.authorShevchenko, O.-
dc.contributor.authorShevchenko, R.-
dc.identifier.citationBULLETIN OF THE GEORGIAN NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES, vol. 16, no. 3uk_UA
dc.description.abstractIn the paper, an analysis of the influence various negative factors on the state of water bodies in places, where the population suffered as a result of hostilities has been carried out. Additionally, the consequences of ammunition explosions for the environment, given their massive nature have been noted. The aim of the paper is to develop modern organizational and technical methods for monitoring the state of water bodies in places of residence affected by hostilities. To achieve the aim in the paper, the possibility of using the previously developed author's approach has been investigated. This is based on a number of engineering techniques for the prevention of emergencies. These were associated with pollution of water bodies and soils. The approach was based on measuring the electrical conductivity and determining the identification coefficient of the studied water bodies. In the paper, the main stages of the methodology for monitoring the state of water bodies in places of residence at different times in the combat zone have been noted. It is proposed to use the parameters of undisturbed objects as basic characteristics. The presented approach is easy to use and expressively, and does not require expensive equipment. At the first stage, the application of this method for small settlements that do not have strong technical and economic capabilities was proposed.uk_UA
dc.subjectwater bodyuk_UA
dc.subjectelectrical conductivityuk_UA
dc.titleApplication of Up-to-Date Technologies for Monitoring the State of Surface Water in Populated Areas Affected by Hostilitiesuk_UA
Розташовується у зібраннях:Кафедра пожежної профілактики в населених пунктах

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