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dc.contributor.authorVorozhbiian, Michail Ivanovich-
dc.contributor.authorMoroz, Nikolay Alexandrovich-
dc.contributor.authorVorozhbiyan, Roman Mikhailovich-
dc.contributor.authorMykhailova, Evgeniia Аleksandrоvna-
dc.identifier.citationVoprosy khimii i khimicheskoi tekhnologiiuk_UA
dc.description.abstractThe research data on the process of the formation of acid under the conditions of hydrodynamic cavitation are presented in the paper. A change in the absorption properties of activated water exposed to the hydrodynamic cavitation has been established. The physicochemical characteristics of activated water, in particular electrical conductivity, pH value and redox potential, have been studied. It was confirmed that cavitated water can be used in technological processes during 10–15 hours before returning its properties to the initial values. A positive effect of the cavitation on the adsorption capacity of liquid phase in the production of weak nitric acid was established. The use of the cavitation results in an increase in the conversion rate of nitrose gases by 20–30%. The most significant effect is observed in the region of increased concentrations of nitric acid solutions supplied to the absorption column and at increased linear velocities of gaseous phase. The fullscale testing of the cavitated water used for the absorption division of the production of weak nitric acid showed a positive effect which had been revealed during experimental investigationsuk_UA
dc.relation.ispartofseries;No. 2-
dc.subjectweak nitric acid, absorption, process, nitrogen oxides, hydrodynamic cavitationuk_UA
dc.titleEffect of hydrodynamic cavitation on the absorption processes occurring in the production of nitric aciduk_UA
Розташовується у зібраннях:Кафедра охорони праці та техногенно-екологічної безпеки

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