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dc.contributor.authorKHURTENKO, Oksana-
dc.contributor.authorLIEBIEDIEVA, Svitlana-
dc.contributor.authorPERELYGINA, Lina-
dc.contributor.authorMORHUNOV, Oleksandr-
dc.contributor.authorOVCHARUK, Vasyl-
dc.contributor.authorMYKHLIUK, Eduard-
dc.identifier.citationBRAIN. Broad Research in Artificial Intelligence and Neuroscienceuk_UA
dc.description.abstractAbstract: Inflated self-esteem provokes goal setting higher than the real possibilities, neglect of the necessary information, reduction of the probability of failure, minimization of efforts to achieve the goal, "relaxing" effect of success and a strong emotional experience of failure; the need to maintain the level of self-esteem leads to a protective ignoring of failures, the explanation of their external causes, which weakens the incentive to overcome them. Sharply inflated selfesteem can create at a certain stage of activity a zone of constant failures, reduced professional motivation. The consequence of low selfesteem is passivity, fear of responsibility, tendency to set too easy tasks, underestimation of the subjective probability of success, which disrupts the impact of failures. Obviously, the inadequacy of selfesteem becomes an obstacle to professional adaptation. As evidenced by our observations, it is characteristic that coaches who do not have a sufficient level of competence in the management of subordinates, have an inflated self-esteem. But also adequate high self-esteem, which is spontaneously formed in the process of professional training, can become a disorganizing factor, if it is not critically transferred from educational to professional activities. In this case, entering a professional activity, which is already characterized by a decrease in the stability of self-esteem, is complicated by its strong fluctuations. In addition, we found that there is no significant correlation between learning success and success in starting a professional activity. High self-esteem of a young specialist is often an obstacle to his acceptance into the team. The creative adaptive component, which prevails over the conformal one, is an interference at this stage.uk_UA
dc.titleModel of Psychological Readiness of a Coach to Make Decisions in Extreme Situations of Professional Activityuk_UA
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