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dc.contributor.authorKalchenko, Yaroslav-
dc.contributor.authorAbramov, Yuriy-
dc.identifier.citationEUREKA: Physics and Engineeringuk_UA
dc.identifier.otherDOI: 10.21303/2461-4262.2019.00898-
dc.description.abstractThe proposed methods for determining the dynamic characteristics of heat fire detectors in the time and frequency domains, focused on the use of existing thermal chambers. The proposed method for determining the transition function of the detector is implemented as follows. Heat fire detector creates a thermal effect in the form of a linearly increasing function. The response of the output signal to the influence of this type is measured and approximated using the Heaviside function at regular intervals. It is shown that information on the transition function of a heat fire detector can be used to determine its frequency characteristics by approximating it with Heaviside functions at the same time intervals. This method of determining the frequency characteristics will significantly reduce the time to determine them compared to the classical method, and also eliminate the need for additional equipment. As a result of the studies, the choice of the sampling interval was justified on the example of a class A1 heatfire detector and certain sampling intervals for determining their transition function (τ0≤1.05 s), amplitude-frequency characteristic (τ0≤0.27 s) and phase-frequency characteristic (τ0≤2.0 s). The proposed methods for determining the dynamic characteristics of heat fire detectors open up new opportunities for developing methods for monitoring their technical condition. This is because the information about the transition function of the detector can be used in two ways. The first method involves comparing a certain transition function of the detector with an exemplary one. The second method consists in determining other characteristics of the detector based on information about its transient function and comparing them with standard values. Keywords: heat fire detector, transient function, frequency characteristics, sampling interval.uk_UA
dc.subjectthermal fire detectoruk_UA
dc.subjectsystem of operationuk_UA
Розташовується у зібраннях:Кафедра пожежної і техногенної безпеки об'єктів та технологій

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