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dc.contributor.authorКоваленко, Світлана Андріївна-
dc.contributor.authorПономаренко, Роман Володимирович-
dc.identifier.citationКоваленко С.А., Пономаренко Р.В. Determination of water quality for surface water bodies based on the hydrochemical index of water pollution. Екологічна безпека держави: тези доповідей ХVIІ Всеукраїнської науково-практичної конференції молодих учених і студентів (20 квітня 2023 р.). Київ. 2023. С. 50-51.uk_UA
dc.description.abstractWater pollution depends on various factors. This can be assessed using several indicators and indices. To calculate the complex index of water pollution, physical, chemical and biological parameters are used, such as pH, temperature, turbidity, biochemical oxygen demand, chemical oxygen demand, dissolved oxygen, nitrates and nitrites, phosphates and others. Determination of the complex index of water pollution is necessary for monitoring and management of water resources, determination of sources of pollution. For planning water protection activities, developing water protection measures, carrying out ecological and ecological-economic zoning, ecological mapping, it is expedient to use a combined ecological assessment of surface water quality, which is the arithmetic mean of the salinity index, tropho-saprobiological (ecological-sanitary) indices and the index of specific indicators of toxic action. To assess the quality of water bodies in the world, in particular, in Ukraine, the pollution index of surface water bodies (hydrochemical water pollution index) is used.uk_UA
dc.subjectsurface water bodiesuk_UA
dc.subjectcomplex indexuk_UA
dc.subjectwater pollutionuk_UA
dc.subjectwater quality classesuk_UA
dc.subjectwater pollution indexuk_UA
dc.subjectwater qualityuk_UA
dc.titleDetermination of water quality for surface water bodies based on the hydrochemical index of water pollutionuk_UA
Розташовується у зібраннях:Кафедра прикладної механіки

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