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Назва: Cluster Mechanism of the Explosive Processes Initiation in the Matter
Автори: Трегубов, Д.Г.
Слепужніков Є.Д.
Чиркіна, М.А.
Майборода, А.О.
Tregubov, D.
Ключові слова: explosion hazard
peroxide structures
characteristic temperature
Дата публікації: 2023
Видавництво: Trans Tech Publications
Бібліографічний опис: Tregubov D., Slepuzhnikov E., Chyrkina M., Maiboroda A. Cluster Mechanism of the Explosive Processes Initiation in the Matter. Key Engineering Materials. 2023. Vol. 952. P. 131–142.
Короткий огляд (реферат): The relationship between substance characteristic temperatures: autoignition, melting, flash, boiling is demonstrated and analyzed. Based on the oscillatory and step changes presence, a conclusion was made about the supramolecular structures presence and periodicity in the n-alkanes homologous series. A method for modeling equivalent lengths of peroxide supramolecular structures for predicting the explosion and fire hazard parameters of n-alkanes is proposed. An approximation dependence was developed for predicting autoignition temperatures tai of n-alkanes. It is shown that stoichiometric concentrations of the various supramolecular peroxide structures formation accord to different flammability and explosion limits. A correlation between tai and Anti-Knock Index (AKI) was established. An approximation dependence was developed for predicting n-alkanes AKI. The detonation propensity index КD was introduced based on cluster supramolecular structures modeling and melting temperatures. It is shown that КD indicator correlates with the n-alkanes AKI and the explosives detonation velocity. The possibility of taking into account during calculations the supramolecular structures presence at the combustion stage confirms their existence.
URI (Уніфікований ідентифікатор ресурсу): http://repositsc.nuczu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/18145
Розташовується у зібраннях:Кафедра спеціальної хімії та хімічної технології

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