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dc.contributor.authorГорносталь, Стелла Анатоліївна-
dc.contributor.authorЧорнс, Катерина-
dc.contributor.authorПетренко, Даниїл-
dc.identifier.citationcollection of scientific papers «SCIENTIA» with Proceedings of the VI International Scientific and Theoretical Conferenceuk_UA
dc.description.abstractThe obtained results and the conducted analysis showed that in order to comply with the technological regulations of the aeration tank, as a component of the biological wastewater treatment system, and to ensure the appropriate quality of treatment, it is necessary to regulate the ratio of the flow of wastewater entering for treatment and the concentration of dissolved oxygen. To do this, it is suggested to use equation, which allows you to quickly calculate the indicators of wastewater at the exit from the secondary sedimentation tank, taking into account the characteristics of the wastewater, activated sludge and the oxygen regime in the aeration tank. Thanks to this, it is possible to quickly and effectively influence the course of the biological cleaning process in the aeration tank, to make reasonable decisions regarding the concentration of return sludge returned after sedimentation in secondary sedimentation tanks. Compliance with technological regulations is aimed at protecting the environment, the pollution of which occurs as a result of the ingress of pollutants with insufficiently treated wastewater.uk_UA
dc.publisherEuropean Scientific Platform.uk_UA
dc.relation.ispartofseriesSectoral research XXI: characteristics and features;P. 100-103-
dc.subjectwastewater treatmentuk_UA
dc.subjectbiological methoduk_UA
dc.subjectactivated sludgeuk_UA
dc.titlePeculiarities of the wastewater treatment process in the second-fourth corridors of the aeration tankuk_UA
Розташовується у зібраннях:Кафедра охорони праці та техногенно-екологічної безпеки

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