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dc.contributor.authorГорносталь, Стелла Анатоліївна-
dc.contributor.authorРейнвальд, Богдан-
dc.contributor.authorШилін, Михайло-
dc.identifier.citationcollection of scientific papers «SCIENTIA» with Proceedings of the II International Scientific and Theoretical Conference, October 20, 2023. Sofia, Republic of Bulgaria: International Center of Scientific Research.uk_UA
dc.description.abstractThe peculiarities of the operation of biological treatment facilities, which include an aeration tank-mixer and a secondary sedimentation tank, are analyzed. The analysis showed that biological treatment processes can be influenced by adjusting the relationship between the dose and consumption of activated sludge, the concentration and consumption of wastewater, as well as the concentration of dissolved oxygen. According to the results of processing the results of the experimental study of the cleaning process in the second-fourth corridors of the air container, model was obtained. The specified model takes into account the mutual influence of the parameters of wastewater entering for treatment (consumption and concentration of pollutants), activated sludge (consumption and dose), and the presence of dissolved oxygen. It is proposed to use model to comply with the operating regulations of biological treatment facilities, which are an aeration tank-mixer-secondary settling tank system, which allows you to study the course of the cleaning process without additional experiments, taking into account possible changes. The obtained results are aimed at ensuring the quality of wastewater treatment and preventing insufficiently treated wastewater from entering reservoirs.uk_UA
dc.publisherNGO International Center of Scientific Researchuk_UA
dc.relation.ispartofseriesModern vision of implementing innovations in scientific studies;P.65-69-
dc.subjectwastewater treatmentuk_UA
dc.subjectbiological methoduk_UA
dc.subjectaeration tankuk_UA
dc.titleStudy of the wastewater treatment process in the second-fourth corridors of the aeration tank-mixeruk_UA
Розташовується у зібраннях:Кафедра охорони праці та техногенно-екологічної безпеки

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