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dc.contributor.authorGutierrez Alvarez, Ana Karina-
dc.contributor.authorLorenzo Ruiz, Alexis-
dc.contributor.authorMayo Parra, Israel-
dc.identifier.citationGutierrez Alvarez Ana Karina, Lorenzo Ruiz Alexis, Mayo Parra Israel. Personological study of psychological safety in health personnel during the COVID-19 health emergency. Проблеми екстремальної та кризової психології. Харків. НУЦЗУ, 2021. - Вип. 1(1). С. 6-16uk_UA
dc.description.abstractThe current COVID-19 pandemic has caused significant effects on the mental health of health personnel, which has emphasized the need to protect them, for this, Psychological Safety is a useful concept that needs to be contextualized in health emergency situations. Objective: to identify the personological configurations that participate in the conformation of the Psychological Safety of the subjects who work in the hospital high-risk area during the health emergency due to Covid-19. The personological approach is used from the configurational perspective in a multiple case study where Grounded Theory and Analytical Induction were applied. As results, the concepts of three states of Psychological Safety were enunciated. It is concluded that the personological perspective of Psychological Safety may be relevant for the design of prevention strategies at the organizational level during the health emergency. Along with this, it is substantiated that the concept of psychological safety for medical staff remains incomplete at the individual level. The analysis was performed model of organizational behavior allowed to assess the process of transformation from one state to another, in relation to the health emergency and how this change may affect the mental and psychosocial health of the subject, the results of the working group and the goals of the organization. It is emphasized that the retention of medical personnel working in high-risk areas, psychological safety should be a central goal in organizational management processes, especially during the current COVID-19 emergency, to which this study helps personal vision as a starting point for mental health prevention. and psychosocial health.uk_UA
dc.publisherНаціональний університет цивільного захисту Україниuk_UA
dc.subjecthealth personneluk_UA
dc.subjectpsychological safetyuk_UA
dc.subjecthealth emergencyuk_UA
dc.subjectpersonological approachuk_UA
dc.titlePersonological study of psychological safety in health personnel during the COVID-19 health emergencyuk_UA
dc.title.alternativeПерсонологічне дослідження психологічної безпеки медичного персоналу під час виникнення невідкладної медичної допомоги, пов’язаної з COVID-19uk_UA
Розташовується у зібраннях:Науковий журнал "Проблеми екстремальної та кризової психології" 2021-1(1)

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