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dc.contributor.authorКондратенко, О.М.-
dc.contributor.authorУмеренкова, К.Р.-
dc.contributor.authorЛєвтєров, А.М.-
dc.contributor.authorKoloskov V, О.П.-
dc.identifier.citationДвигуни внутрішнього згоряння. – Х: НТУ «ХПІ»uk_UA
dc.description.abstractIn the study, the purpose of which is to improve the mathematical apparatus based on the modified thermodynamic theory of disturbances for describing the thermophysical characteristics of nitrogen in the gaseous and liquid states as the working fluid of fire-safe and environmentally safe motor vehicles with piston pneumatic or cryoengines, a mathematical model was suggested to describe for describing the thermodynamic properties of gaseous and liquid of nitrogen, which is intended for the development of a new type of fire-safe and environmentally efficient vehicle with a piston pneumo- or cryoengine and its application is illustrated. The object of the study is the thermophysical characteristics of nitrogen in a liquid or gaseous aggregate state, as a working fluid of fire-safe and eco-safe motor vehicles with a piston pneumatic or cryoengine. The subject of the research is a mathematical apparatus based on the modified perturbation theory for describing the thermophysical characteristics of nitrogen in gaseous and liquid states. The scientific novelty of the research results is that a mathematical apparatus based on a modified thermodynamic theory of disturbances has been improved for a comprehensive description of all thermophysical characteristics of nitrogen, which is in both liquid and gaseous aggregate state, in terms of reducing calculation time and reducing the error of obtaining thermophysical characteristics compared to reference and experimental data. The practical significance of the research results is that the improved mathematical apparatus is marketable for providing accurate information to the composition of the initial data set in studies on the use of nitrogen in various aggregate states as the working fluid of fire-safe and eco-safe motor vehicles with a piston pneumatic or cryoengine.uk_UA
dc.relation.ispartofseries№ 1;-
dc.subjectthermophysical properties; nitrogen; phase diagram; mathematical model; environmental protection technologies; environmental safety; power plants; piston engines; pneumatic engine; cryoengineuk_UA
dc.titleEnsuring ecological and fire safety during the operation of motor vehicles based on piston pneumatic and cryo engines using nitrogenuk_UA
Розташовується у зібраннях:Кафедра фізико-математичних дисциплін

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