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dc.contributor.authorТолок, Ігор-
dc.contributor.authorLienkov, S. V.-
dc.contributor.authorLienkov, Ye. S.-
dc.identifier.citationЗбірник наукових праць Військового інституту Київського національного університету імені Тараса Шевченкаuk_UA
dc.description.abstractIt is obvious that the component elements of various types have significantly different reliability indicators and various patterns of degradation processes leading to their failures. All these features of the considered objects of technology must be taken into account both in assessing (predicting) their reliability, and in determining the rules and regulations for their technical operation. The specified features of the objects of technology cause considerable difficulties in the construction of mathematical models necessary to evaluate and predict the reliability indicators and the cost of their operation. In this artide deals has developed a mathematical model of the processes of spending and replenishing the resource of grouping of engineering objects. The model is intended for forecasting the composition and resource of the grouping for the nearest period of planning the operation of technical facilities. The following characteristics have been adopted as forecast indicators: -a vector whose elements are the values of the total residual resource of objects of different types at time t and - a vector whose elements are the number of objects of different types at time t. This Indicators depend on the actions taken to replenish the group's resource (from supplies to the grouping of new equipment and scheduled repairs that restore the resource of the facilities). The developed mathematical model of the processes of expenditure and replenishment of the grouping resource will allow to implement the optimal software design.uk_UA
dc.publisherВійськовий інститут Київського національного університету імені Тараса Шевченкаuk_UA
dc.relation.ispartofseriesКВ;11541 – 413Р-
dc.subjectgroupment of objects military techniqueuk_UA
dc.subjectcomposition and resourceuk_UA
dc.subjectmathematical modeluk_UA
dc.subjectspending and replenishing the resourceuk_UA
dc.titlePrognostication of composition and resource of groupment of objects of technigueuk_UA
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