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Назва: Psychosocial support in the process of social rehabilitation: prospects for recovery and reintegration
Автори: Onishchenko, Nataliia
Perelygina, Lina
Nazarov, Oleg
Karikov, Sergiy
Riabinina, Olena
Gontarenko, Liydmila
Дата публікації: 15-жов-2023
Видавництво: GeSec: Revista de Gestao e Secretariado
Бібліографічний опис: GeSec: Revista de Gestao e Secretariado, 2023, Vol 14, Issue 10, p. 17050-17071
Серія/номер: Vol 14, Issue 10,;p. 17050-17071
Короткий огляд (реферат): The instability of the political situation in the world physically and psychologically affects the population of the planet. Often this impact is negative. Today the problem of post-traumatic syndrome is extremely relevant in Ukraine, where genocide, usual life destruction and family ties rapture take place during the brutal war. Military actions are a psychologically traumaticfactor for both direct participants in combat events and civilians who are located both in the area of hostilities and outside it. Every emergency caused by military operations changes people's daily lives, destroying their basic needs for security and a stable worldview. Although the human psyche is capable of adapting to any crisis, emotional stress can lead to both overcoming the stressful state and disruption and deterioration of vital functions. Psychological rehabilitation is an integral part of any type of rehabilitation including social. The article aims to define the place and importance of psychosocial rehabilitation in the context of social rehabilitation of people with disabilities and posttraumatic stress disorder and victims of war, captivity and torture and to identify promising ways of social rehabilitation at the present stage. For a complex search, we searched for relevant studies in databases DOAJ and EBSCOhost, for the last decade. The work includes articles devoted to the psychosocial rehabilitation of persons with disabilities, posttraumatic stress disorder, and victims of war, captivity and torture. It is established that psychological rehabilitation is an integral part of social rehabilitation and together they form psychosocial rehabilitation a prolonged process which needs highly qualified personnel. Without the restoration of a person’s trust in him/herself, his/her emotional status, possibility to relax, optimism etc., the efficacy of isolated social work will be minimal.
URI (Уніфікований ідентифікатор ресурсу): http://repositsc.nuczu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/20941
ISSN: 2178-9010
Розташовується у зібраннях:Кафедра соціальних і гуманітарних дисциплін

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