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dc.contributor.authorШаршанов, А.Я.-
dc.contributor.authorАбрамов, Юрий Алексеевич-
dc.contributor.authorКиреев, Александр Александрович-
dc.identifier.citationЖурнал "Пожаровзрывобезопасность"uk_UA
dc.descriptionTo increase the efficiency of firefighting the extinguishing gel-forming systems were offered. They represent two separately stored and separatly and simultaneosly applied components. The first component is the gel-forming solution. The second is the catalyst solution for gel formation. When sprayed simultaneosly they intermix on burning or protected surfaces. Their interaction leads to stable gel formation. The gel forms non-flowing fire-protective layer that firmly helds on vertical and inclined surfaces. The aim of this work is to determine the minimal initial size of droplets of the components of gel-forming system that will reliably provide gel formation on the surfaces of solid combustible materials. For this purpose the problem of evaporation of droplets of aqueous saline solution in hot gas environment was considered. Creating the model of evaporation of aqueous saline solution, the equation of mass and energy balance were only used. The equations of gas components movement were substituted by isobaric process condition, and the evaporation was considered as a quasi equilibrium process. After making some reasonable assumptions, a system of equations describing the process of evaporation of droplets of components of the gel-forming system was obtained. The developed mathematical model was solved numerically in a wide range of initial parameters. The maximum distance of spraying of solution droplets that ensured reliable gel-formation on protected surfaces depending on initial droplets radius was estimated. The initial droplets size of more than 0.4 mm ensures the efficiency of gel-forming systems at the depth of fire more than 10 muk_UA
dc.description.abstractПроведено математическое моделирование капель компонентов огнетушащих гелеобразующих систем при движении их через область горения. Рассмотрена задача об испарении капли водного раствора соли в горячей газовой среде. На основании разработанной модели оценен минимальный начальный размер капель, обеспечивающий надежное гелеобразование на обрабатываемых поверхностях. Осуществлено численное решение системы уравнений при помощи пакета прикладных программ MatLab. Проведено сравнение численных и аналитических результатов.uk_UA
dc.relation.ispartofseriesтом 22 №11;С. 57-62.-
dc.subjectгелеобразующие огнетушащие системыuk_UA
dc.subjectэффективность пожаротушенияuk_UA
dc.subjectматематическая модель испарения капли раствораuk_UA
dc.subjectдальность полета распыленной жидкостиuk_UA
dc.titleМоделирование поведения капель компонентов гелеобразующих огнетушащих систем в высокотемпературной области.uk_UA
Appears in Collections:Кафедра спеціальної хімії та хімічної технології

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