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dc.contributor.authorВовк, Неля Павлівна-
dc.contributor.authorМохнар, Людмила Іванівна-
dc.descriptionntroduction. The article outlines and proposes ways to solve the problem of building effective communication in emergencies. Питання психологіїВісник Національного університету оборони України3 (67) /202239Purpose. The aim of the work was to consider the specifics of communication in emergency situations and to outline the vectors of its improvement. Based on the specifics of the problem raised, a number of tasks were set to identify areas of management communication in an emergency; conducting acomparative explication of the concepts of "social communication", "communication in social management", "management communication"; analysis of approaches and models of communication and identification of areas of their application in management activities in emergency situations in order to outline the vectors for improving management communication in an emergency. Methods. Retrospective and critical analysis was used in the analysis of scientific sources and information on the identified issues related to the researched problem, and contextual analysis was used in the analysis of normative acts. The method of comparative analysis of crisis management systems of the Pan American Health Organization and the World Health Organization (WHO / WHO) in the United States was used. A hypothetical method was used to make a scientific assumption about the importance of creating a feedback system, exercising managerial influence on the regulation of information exchange, mechanisms for forming public opinion, using modern advances in information technology and ensuring security of information infrastructure in emergency management.Originality. The main issues were identified and the results obtained on the identified issues were presented, in particular on the following issues: concepts, specifics of communication, its improvement in the conditions of emergency response. The paper emphasizes the special importance of feedback in management activities in emergencies. The important role of guaranteeing the security of the country's information infrastructure in emergency management is emphasized, the directions of information security are singled out. On the basis of the results obtained by scientists in previous scientific works, the urgent need to substantiate and delineate the vectors of improving communication in an emergency, in particular, through the achievement of mutual understanding in the professional communicative situation, which is provided by the internal resources of the personality of the specialist, influencing the constructive communication during the interaction in the professional field. Along with the vector of improving managerial communication in emergencies through the development of communicative qualities of heads of SES units, the following vectors are identified: creating a feedback system, exercising managerial influences on regulating information exchange, in the organization and implementation of the management process.Conclusion. Based on the analysis of the experience of anti-crisis management systems of the Pan American Health Organization and the World Health Organization (WHO / WHO) in the United States, a vector for the development of proactive news and messages on social networks was identified; answers to questions and inquiries from the media; design and creation of emergency websites; development and updating of site content; coordination of communication activities with internal and external partners.uk_UA
dc.description.abstractУ статті окреслено та запропоновано шляхи вирішення проблеми побудови ефективної комунікації в умовах НС. Визначено основні питання та презентовано отримані результати за означеною проблематикою, зокрема з питань: поняття, специфіки комунікації, її удосконалення в умовах ліквідації НС. На основі результатів, отриманих ученими у попередніх наукових працях, актуалізовано нагальну потребу в обґрунтуванні та окресленні векторів удосконалення комунікації в умовах НС, зокрема, через досягнення взаєморозуміння у професійнокомунікативній ситуації, яке забезпечується внутрішніми ресурсами особистості фахівця, що впливають на конструктив спілкування під час взаємодії у професійній царині, та за рахунок розвитку у керівників підрозділів системи ДСНС організаційно-управлінських якостей.uk_UA
dc.publisherВісник Національного університету оборони України (2022): 26-39.uk_UA
dc.subjectуправлінська діяльність; комунікація; управлінська комунікація; комунікаційні мережі; інформаційна інфраструктура; інформаційна безпека; інформаційне забезпечення.uk_UA
dc.titleВектори удосконалення комунікації в умовах надзвичайних ситуаційuk_UA
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