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dc.contributor.authorKudin, Alexander M.-
dc.contributor.authorAnanenko, Andrej A.-
dc.contributor.authorVyday, Yuriy T.-
dc.contributor.authorGres', Valeria Yu.-
dc.contributor.authorZaslavsky, Boris G.-
dc.contributor.authorZosim, Dmitry I.-
dc.identifier.citationProblems of Atomic Science and Technology 4 (2001) 111-116ru_RU
dc.description.abstractThe dependence on the response (L/E) on energy (E) in the range of 5.9...60 keV has been investigated for CsI(Na) during the aging and for CsI(Tl) crystals with different activator concentrations and light collection conditions. On the contrast to data on increasing of L/E in the range of ~15keV (so called the response non-proportionality up to +24%), we have shown that value and sign of non-proportionality are determined by light collection conditions, mainly and scintillation material (luminescence centers concentration) in the minor. The distinct correlation is observed between non-proportionality and energy resolution in the low energy range even where is supposed the non-proportionality contribution is insignificant. The main conclusion is the response non-proportionality is not fundamental property of the scintillator. It (and energy resolution) rise from light collection conditions for the quantum with different penetration depth and scintillation long.ru_RU
dc.publisherННЦ "ХФТИ"ru_RU
dc.subjectscintillation responseru_RU
dc.subjectCsI:Tl and CsI:Na crystalsru_RU
dc.subjectenergy resolutionru_RU
dc.titleScintillation response of CsI(Tl) and CsI(Na) crystals on excitation by X-rays and low energy gamma-raysru_RU
dc.title.alternativeСцинтилляционный отклик кристаллов CsI(Tl) и CsI(Na) на возбуждение рентгеновскими и гамма-квантами низких энергийru_RU
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