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dc.contributor.authorШаршанов, А.Я.-
dc.contributor.authorДадашов, И.Ф.-
dc.contributor.authorКиреев, А.А.-
dc.contributor.authorКириченко, И.К.-
dc.contributor.authorКовалев, А.А.-
dc.identifier.citationSimulation of the insulating properties of two-layer material // "Functional materials", Vol.25, No.4, 2018. p. 774-779.ru_RU
dc.description.abstractMathematical simulation of the process of diffusion of liquid vapors through a binary layer consisting of a light granular material and a layer of gel applied on its surface is shown. Using the proposed model the coefficient of octane evaporation rate reduction on the onset of the stationary mode was determined, and the time for reaching this mode was estimated. For a gel layer with thickness of 2 mm and a layer of foam glass with thickness of 5 cm, the evaporation rate of octane is reduced by more than 100 times compared with the evaporation rate from the free surface of the liquid. Two-layer insulating materials are proposed to use for elimination of emergencies associated with the spill of toxic and flammable liquids, as well as for extinguishing fires involving flammable liquids.ru_RU
dc.publisherInstitute for Single Crystalsru_RU
dc.subjectflow reduction ratioru_RU
dc.subjectgel layerru_RU
dc.subjectgranulated foam glassru_RU
dc.subjectporous coatingru_RU
dc.subjecttwo-layer materialru_RU
dc.subjectvapors of flammable liquidsru_RU
dc.subjectmathematical simulationru_RU
dc.subjectпожежогасіння та вогнезахистru_RU
dc.titleSimulation of the insulating properties of two-layer materialru_RU
Appears in Collections:Кафедра спеціальної хімії та хімічної технології

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