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dc.contributor.authorБатир, Юрій Георгійович-
dc.description.abstractThe article examines the definitions of the country's food security and the criteria for its assessment. Highlighted common problems of ensuring food security in Ukraine, as evidenced by international rating estimates. Analyzed the quantitative parameters of consumption food. The balance of consumption of basic foodstuffs, the indicator of sufficiency of consumption and the caloric content of the consumer ration are defined and it is established that Ukraine occupies the last places among the EU countries and the world. It has been established that ensuring food security of the country is associated with the following risks: natural and man-made, technological, environmental, social, trade and economic; political. It outlined a strategy for food security, which should provide an overwhelming amount of food (85-90%) through its own production.ru_RU
dc.titleFood security as a component of national security of Ukraineru_RU
Розташовується у зібраннях:Навчально-науково-виробничий центр

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