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dc.contributor.authorSvitlychna (Світлична), Nataliia (Наталія Олександрівна)-
dc.contributor.authorRudenko (Руденко), Svitlana (Світлана Юріївна)-
dc.contributor.authorPromska (Промська), Alona (Альона Сергіївна)-
dc.identifier.citationAleksander Ostenda, Iryna Ostopolets (Ed.). (2019). Contemporary innovative and information technologies of social development: educational and legal aspects. Series of monographs Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Applied Arts. Monograph 24. Katowice: Katowice School of Technology. - P. 85-89ru_RU
dc.descriptionСтаття присвячена аналізу особливостей розумової працездатності підлітків, які навчаються в ліцеї поліції.ru_RU
dc.description.abstractThe article is devoted to the analysis of the peculiarities of mental performance of adolescents who study at the Lyceum of the police. The purpose of our research was to study the dynamics of psychic working capacity and its relationship with the success of training students of the Lyceum of the police. During an empirical study among police students at the Lyceum found problems that hinder learning. The key aspect of the article is the definition of the level of psychic working capacity of students at all courses of study, as well as the discovery of three types psychic working capacity by the way of inclusion of the subject of certain cognitive abilities during the performance of productive intellectual activity.ru_RU
dc.publisherWydawnictwo Wyższej Szkoły Technicznej w Katowicachru_RU
dc.subjectpsychology, military education, high school,psychic working capacity, success of learning, pupils of the lyceum of the policeru_RU
dc.titlePeculiarities of the relationship of psychic working capacity with the success of teaching students at the lyceum of the policeru_RU
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Peculiarities of the relationship of psychic working capacity with the success .pdfСтаття присвячена аналізу особливостей розумової працездатності підлітків, які навчаються в ліцеї поліції.604,07 kBAdobe PDFПереглянути/Відкрити

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