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Title: Description of mass hourly emissions of particulate matter of diesel engine by beta-distribution with taking into account the passport accuracy of gas analyzer
Authors: Strokov, O. P
Kondratenko, O. M.
Koloskov, V. Yu.
Mishchenko, I. V.
Keywords: beta-distribution
multi-component gas analyzer
internal combustion engine
accuracy of measuring
engine bench tests
environment protection technologies
ecological safety
Issue Date: Jul-2019
Publisher: Харьков: НТУ “ХПИ”
Citation: Двигатели внутреннего сгорания // Научно-технический журнал. Харьков: НТУ “ХПИ”. – 2019. – №1. – 86 с.
Abstract: Relevance of the study is that qualitative and quantitative results of solving of its tasks suitable for developing of methodic of decreasing of methodical errors of determination of values of mass hourly emission of particulate matter in exhaust gas flow of reciprocating internal combustion engine with using of conversion formula and readings of opacimeter and gas analyzer. Purpose of the study is obtaining of parameters of beta-distribution that approximate the empirical law of distribution of values of mass hourly emission of particulate matter in exhaust gas flow of reciprocating internal combustion engine which achieved by indirect measuring with taking into account the accuracy of direct measuring of its components that has nonlinear impact. Task of the study is obtaining of rational values of number of multiple measuring of coefficient of atenuation of light flux and volume concentration of unburned hydrocarbons in exhaust gas on individual operational regime of diesel engine during bench motor tests for case of automation of measuring process. Methodic of the study is in consistently application of following methods: analysis of scientific and technical literature, analysis of data of bench motor tests, application of prof. Parsadanov conversion formula, mathematical apparatus of beta-distribution, numerical calculation studies. It was detected that empirical distribution of values of mass hourly emission of particulate matter in exhaust gas flow of reciprocating internal combustion engine which obtained with using of one of known conversion formula of prof. Parsadanov as the function of indicator of opacity and toxicity of exhaust gas, has a significant difference from the normal distribution law at number of measurements less than 50 even in case of confirmation of the hypothesis of normality of distribution law of readings of opacimeter into limits of its passport measuring errors. That results were described by the mathematical apparatus of beta-distribution by carrying out the numerical calculation studies with using of program product written of the language Borland Pascal 7.0. The parameters of beta-distribution were obtain as the function of number of multiple measuring.
Appears in Collections:Кафедра прикладної механіки

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