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Title: Risk Assessment for the Population of Kyiv, Ukraine as a Result of Atmospheric Air Pollution
Authors: Соколов Дмитро Львович, Тарадуда, Дмитро Віталійович; Собина, Віталій Олександрович; Демент, Максим Олександрович;; Попов, Олександр Олександрович; Яцишин, А.; Ковач, Валерія Олександрівна; Артемчук, В.; Каменева, І.; Яцишин, Т.
Keywords: air pollution air quality risk assessment population health
Issue Date: Jan-2020
Publisher: Scientific and technical journal. United States of America
Series/Report no.: Vol. 10, No. 25;No. 25;
Abstract: Background. According to the World Health Organization, 92% of the world’s population lives in places where air quality levels exceed recommended limits. Recently, Ukraine had the most deaths per every 100,000 people (out of 120 countries) attributed to atmospheric air pollution. High levels of atmospheric air pollution have been observed not only in typically industrial regions, but in Ukraine’s capital, Kyiv, as well. Objectives. The aim of the present study was to establish the state of air pollution in Kyiv and perform a risk assessment of associated human health effects. Methods. Using official statistics and state monitoring data, the study aimed to identify and analyze risks to the health of Kyiv's population associated with air pollution. The following methods were used: systematic, functional and comparative analysis, risk theory, mathematical modeling, probability theory and mathematical statistics, as well as geographic information system technologies for digital map design and objective-oriented methodology for software design systems. Results. The risk values across different areas of the city varied significantly, indicating that atmospheric air quality remains unstable. Areas with the highest and lowest risk values were identified. Conclusions. The environmental state of atmospheric air in Kyiv requires greater attention and additional research to identify the causes of air pollution, along with implementation of measures to improve air quality. Competing Interests. The authors declare no competing financial interests.
Description: Air pollution is a large problem in many countries around the world. The main sources of atmospheric air pollution are transportation, power companies, chemically hazardous enterprises, metallurgy, machine-building, metal-processing enterprises and industries, building materials industries, and lumber operations, among others.1 Atmospheric pollution is considered to be the most dangerous form of pollution by volume, as pollution of industrially developed cities by toxic agents becomes irreversible and has negative impacts on the health of the population. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), 92% of world population breathes air polluted beyond the acceptable limits.2 Ukraine is no exception and recently (in September, 2017) ranked first (out of 120 world countries) in deaths caused by atmosphere air pollution, per 100,000 people. Air pollution in Ukraine causes four times more deaths per capita than the five cleanest countries altogether, according to the WHO.3 The main sources of pollution in Kyiv are motor transport and energy enterprises (thermal stations), enterprises of the construction industry, mechanical engineering, chemical-pharmaceutical, and the food industry. In 2015, the total amount of pollutants in the atmosphere from stationary and mobile sources in Kyiv amounted to 144.3 thousand tons. More detailed data on emissions from stationary technogenic facilities in Kiev are presented in Table 1.4 The air monitoring system in Ukraine is currently ineffective and has significant problems. There is no data collection and analysis center and monitoring results are stored in paper form. Most atmospheric scientific research results with some elements of statistical and comparative analysis do not consider the environmental risks to public health. Therefore, a risk assessment of the health of Kyiv`s population due to air pollution supported by data and analysis is urgently needed. The aim of the present study was to establish the state of air pollution in Kyiv and perform a risk assessment of associated human health effects.
Appears in Collections:Кафедра організації та технічного забезпечення аварійно-рятувальних робіт

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