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Title: Study Insulating and Cooling Properties of the Material on the Basis of Crushed Foam Glass and Determination of its Extinguishing Characteristics with the Attitude to Alcohols
Authors: Савельєв, Дмитро Ігорович
Трегубов, Дмитро
Кірєєв, Олександр Олександрович
Сафронов, С.
Keywords: buoyancy
пожежогасіння та вогнезахист
alcohol quenching
gel-like layer
granular dry and wetted foam glass
two-layer insulating-cooling material
Issue Date: 30-Mar-2020
Publisher: Trans Tech Publications Ltd
Citation: Kireev A.,Tregubov D., Safronov S., Saveliev D. Study Insulating and Cooling Properties of the Material on the Basis of Crushed Foam Glass and Determination of its Extinguishing Characteristics with the Attitude to Alcohols / / Problems of Emergency Situations: Materials and Technologies. Materials Science Forum. 2020. № 1006. Р. 62-69
Series/Report no.: 1006;62-69
Abstract: To extinguish alcohols, it is proposed to use a two-layer material consisting of a layer of a light porous carrier, on which an insulating gel layer is applied. The use of crushed foam glass as a porous carrier is justified. To obtain an insulating layer of gel, it is proposed to use a gel-forming system CaCl2 + Na2 O · 2.7 SiO2. The insulating and cooling properties with respect to the alcohols of two separate layers and the buoyancy of a crushed foam glass layer are determined. The cooling properties of the two-layer foam glass - gel material were evaluated. To increase the cooling properties of the foam glass, it is proposed to wet it. It was found that, at the same time as the cooling effect increases, wetting of the foam glass leads to a decrease in its buoyancy and insulating properties with respect to alcohol vapors. The heights of dry and wetted foam glass layers necessary to stop the combustion of one, two, and three atomic alcohols were experimentally determined. It is concluded that alcohols can be quenched with dry and moistened foam glass, both with a gel layer applied to its surface and without a gel layer. Full text:
ISSN: 1662-9752
Appears in Collections:Інженерної та аварійно-рятувальної техніки

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