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Title: State Environmental Policy in the Context of Environmental Management
Authors: Yurchenko, Lyubov
Minosyan, Andriy
Khoroshev, Alexander
Karikov, Sergey
Issue Date: Nov-2020
Publisher: Scientific and practical international conference:Public Administration in the 21st Century: Problems and Development Prospects.
Abstract: The article analyses the shift dynamics of the leading paradigms of the political predicates at different stages of social development. Addressing to the real world and the roots that go back to tradition makes it possible to recognize a new paradigm, which the 21st century is interested in viz. the paradigm of environmental protection. To develop a long-term policy of creating an environmental management system, it is crucial to determine the stages of its implementation in close connection with the socio-economic development. It is believed that at the first stage, in economic turmoil, when there is a recession and a shortage of basic necessities, “do no harm” should be the underlying principle of the environmental policy. It is important at least to stop further destruction of natural complexes. The second stage should be devoted to the implementation of nature management and nature restoration projects. The third stage should cover the period of post-crisis recovery and sustainable development, consisting in the restoration of the natural environment or ecological reconstruction. Characterizing different types of environmental policy (such as managerial, pluralistic and collective) makes it possible to justify the expedience of such a model, which is based on environmental legislation and institutionalism. However, this model requires a certain level of development of civil society and its individual institutes. Analyzing the practice of solving environmental problems by the world community shows that environmental legislation is increasingly interfering in politics. And not only in the form of prohibitions, restrictions, sanctions and exemptions, but also as a basis for ensuring viable, environmentally safe, sustainable development.
Appears in Collections:Кафедра соціальних і гуманітарних дисциплін

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