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Title: Improvement of the economic mechanism of distance learning of specialists in tourism in higher educational institutions as the prerequisite of territorial development ensuring
Authors: Ruban, Artem
Shvedun, Viktoriia
Yevsuykov, Oleksandr
Sysoieva, Svetlana
Keywords: economic mechanism
distance learning
specialists in tourism
expert evaluations method
higher educational institutions
territorial development
Issue Date: 2021
Publisher: Харків
Citation: Global Scientific Trends: Economics and Public Administration
Series/Report no.: 1;
Abstract: The economic mechanism of distance learning of specialists in tourism in higher educational institutions in the context of ensuring territorial development is improved in the article. This mechanism is based on economic assessment of risks of distance learning of specialists in tourism.The generalassessment of positive and negative characteristics of distance learning in the whole showed that the positive ones are the following: lowering of expenses of education; transformation of the advanced techniques of training on the periphery; development of skills of independent work among students; an opportunity to involve results of the most professional teachers in interactive educational process and improvement of quality of monitoring of knowledge due to detail study of test jobs and problems setting. But distance learning is connected with the following negative trends: lack of direct perception of material; lack of an opportunity for a discussion and lack of direct control over the implementation of tasks
Description: The tourism is a prerequisite of territorial development as the touristic sphere covers a set of elements of infrastructure of territories which, in turn is an integral part of economic space and provides activity of territories. For this reason training of qualified specialists in tourism is necessary in modern conditions. At the same time it should be noted that there is an active introduction of distance learning in educational process, including training of specialists in tourism in present conditions when information and communication technologies accompany all modern fields of activity.
Appears in Collections:Кафедра наглядово-профілактичної діяльності

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