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Authors: Tsymbal, B.
Keywords: security of an individual
basic principles of security of an individua
social protection system
social values
Issue Date: 2023
Publisher: НУЦЗУ
Citation: Public administration and state security aspects
Series/Report no.: Vol.1/2023;
Abstract: The strategy of national security of Ukraine is determined through the implementation of the State policy in the field of social protection in the context of the country’s sustainable development. It has been noted that the basis of the state’s social protection policy of an individual should be a system of social values that will be different from the one which existed in the previous periods and is available at the current period of society transformation. It has been proved that the recognition of the priority and interdependence of the vital interests of the majority of the population should be fundamentally new. The state should assume the function of ensuring the principles of social justice and high quality of life in society on the basis of harmonising and maintaining the balance of all citizens’ interests. This should make it possible to transform society into a sustainable, balanced and, at the same time, efficient system that is developing positively. It has been stated that the key role of security of an individual belongs to the state which is the main social institution designed to ensure this development in a legal manner
Appears in Collections:Vol.1/2023

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