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Title: Parameters for simulation of the thermal state and fire-resistant quality of hollow-core floors used in the mining industry
Authors: Ковальов, Андрій Іванович
Коновал, В.М.
Хмирова, Анастасія Олегівна
Дудко, Катерина
Issue Date: 2019
Publisher: Черкаси,Чіпб імені Героїв Чорнобиля
Citation: E3S Web of Conferences
Series/Report no.: ;123
Abstract: Abstract. The statistical data of the fire and technogenic safety in Ukrainian mines have been studied. A literary analysis has been made of advanced expertise in determining the fire resistance of building structures. It has been studied the thermal state and fire resistance of hollow-core floors using the fire tests and the calculated determination of the fire resistance degree of a structure based on a two-dimensional model of thermal conductivity and convective heat transfer implemented in the ANSYS R17.1 software complex. The fire test of hollow-core floor has been analysed and the use of a computational-experimental method is proposed to determine the parameters when simulating the thermal state and the fire resistance of both protected and unprotected hollow-core floors. A technique has been developed for simulating the thermal state and the fire resistance of hollow-core floors, which can be used in assessment of the fire resistance degree of reinforced concrete building structures both in industrial construction and in the mining industry.
Appears in Collections:Кафедра пожежної профілактики в населених пунктах

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