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Title: Матеріали і сцинтиляційні фотодіодні детектори для реєстрації заряжених частинок і квантів в навколосонячному просторі
Other Titles: Materials and photodiode detectors for charged particle registration in space
Authors: Диденко, Ганна В.
Kudin, Alexander M.
Keywords: CsI crystal
radiation hardness,
spectrometric parameters
photodiode detectors
Issue Date: 2017
Publisher: Стильиздат
Citation: Автореферат дисертації на здобуття наукового ступеня кандидата технічних наук. 05.02.01 - матеріалознавство
Series/Report no.: ;21 с
Abstract: In this work the choice of materials for creation of photodiode detector for charged particles registration has been grounded. Detailed study of advanced material properties has been provided to operate in space. It has been shown that CsI:Tl,CO3 crystal is characterized by uniform distribution of Tl+ and Na+ along cylindrical part of ingot. The same is thru for spectrometric characteris-tics like light yield and energy resolution. Contrary it the distribution of CO3– ions and value of millisecond afterglow is non-uniform as rule. It has been shown that it is possible to select the part of ingot with homogeneous distribu-tion of all dopands and scintillation parameters. It has been shown that radia-tion hardness of selected aria can rich a value of 102 Gy and volume of uniform part can be more than 200 cm3. It has been shown that CsI:Tl,NO2 scintillation material is characterized by suppressed afterglow (up to 50% less) and spectrometric parameters are the same as for CsI:Tl,CO3 crystal. Energy resolution of 1.5% is obtained for 20 MeV-protons with Hamamatsu S5106 photodiode. Radiation hardness of CsI:Tl,NO2 material corresponds to dose of 7103 Gy at -irradiation and flu-ence of >1012 см–2 at proton irradiation that coincides with requirements of BipiColombo mission to Mercury. Polymer composition on a base of enhance-ment powders TiO2 and MgO have been chosen for thin film reflectors. It has been shown that registration threshold can be decreased to 17 keV due to opti-mization of photodiode scintillator. The examples of selected materials applica-tion in space (telescope STEP-F, spectrometer SIXS) and on the Earth (dose calibrator for nuclear medicine) have been described.
Description: диплом ДК 045469 від 12 грудня 2017 р
Appears in Collections:Кафедра фізико-математичних дисциплін

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