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Title: Self-management of a extracurricular education teacher in war conditions
Authors: Трегубов, Д.Г.
Трегубова, І.М.
Keywords: education
Issue Date: Oct-2023
Publisher: International Center of Scientific Research
Citation: Tregubova I.M., Tregubov D.G. Self-management of a extracurricular education teacher in war conditions // Modern vision of implementing innovations in scientificstudies: II International Scientific and Theoretical Conference, October 20, 2023. Sofia, Republic of Bulgaria: International Center of Scientific Research. Р. 99-103.
Abstract: An educational product, like any product, needs management to attract the consumer attention. Educational management is a management decisions complex regarding of a certain educational institution, which involves arranging activities for planning activities directions and structure, it organization, motivation and control of the educational process. This especially applies to institutions for which the students number depends on the achieved rating, the educational services quality, the information dissemination about the institution in all possible ways, which creates direct or indirect advertising. Such institutions include institutions of higher and professional education, extracurricular centers for children's creativity, and culture houses.
Appears in Collections:Кафедра спеціальної хімії та хімічної технології

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