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Поле DCЗначенняМова
dc.contributor.authorГорносталь, Стелла Анатоліївна-
dc.identifier.citationcollection of scientific papers «SCIENTIA» with Proceedings of the V International Scientific and Theoretical Conference,uk_UA
dc.description.abstractSignificant adjustments to the work on preservation, restoration and protection of the environment from the negative impact of external factors are brought about by military actions. But this work cannot be stopped, because the health, well-being, and general existence of future generations depend on it.uk_UA
dc.publisherEuropean Scientific Platformuk_UA
dc.relation.ispartofseriesThe current state of development of world science: characteristics and features;P. 71-73-
dc.subjecturbanized spaceuk_UA
dc.subjectNature-oriented solutionsuk_UA
dc.titleNature-oriented solutions in an urbanized spaceuk_UA
Розташовується у зібраннях:Кафедра охорони праці та техногенно-екологічної безпеки

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