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Title: Determining the features of histograms of dangerous parameters of the gas environment in the absence and occurrence of fire
Authors: Bezuhla, Yuliia
Pospelov, Boris
Rybka, Evgeniy
Khalmuradov, Batyr
Petukhova, Olena
Gornostal, Stella
Yatsentyuk, Yuriy
Svitlana Hryshko, Svitlana
Issue Date: 2023
Publisher: Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies
Description: The object of research is histograms of the dynamics of dangerous parameters of the gas environment, the values of which are measured in real time at the intervals of absence and ignition of materials. The method of determining histograms during a typical selection of measurements is described. This method allows one to determine histograms for samples of an arbitrary position and the size of the data interval of measurements of the dynamics of dangerous parameters of the gas environment. On the basis of histograms on the intervals of the absence and occurrence of fires of test materials, indicators of their summary statistics can be determined. Laboratory experiments were conducted to study the features of the histograms of carbon monoxide concentration, smoke density, and temperature of the gas medium for intervals of reliable absence and appearance of ignition of materials in the form of alcohol and textiles. The results of the analysis of the histograms clearly show that the dynamics of the studied dangerous parameters at the indicated intervals differ from the Gaussian. At the same time, the histograms differ in shape, which depends on the type of ignition material and the corresponding dangerous parameter. Based on the features of the histograms of the dynamics of dangerous parameters on the intervals of the absence and appearance of fires of test materials, the simplest indicators of summary statistics in the form of the range, number, and position of the modes are determined. It was established that when alcohol ignites, the variation range of carbon monoxide concentration, smoke density, and gas temperature increases from 0.545, 0.068, and 0.161 to 7.121, 0.523, and 8.71, respectively. At the same time, the range of variation of these parameters during textile ignition increases from 0.182, 0.205, and 0.323 to 0.394, 0.386, and 2.903, respectively. The obtained results in aggregate or one by one can be used in practice for early detection of fires in order to prevent the occurrence of fires in premises
Appears in Collections:Кафедра наглядово-профілактичної діяльності

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