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Authors: Корсак, Костянтин Віталійович
Григор'ян, Микола Борисович
Журбинський, Дмитро Анатолійович
Мартинюк, Сергій Якович
Похресник, Анатолій Костянтинович
Сонько, Сергій Петрович
Ляшенко, Лариса Миколаївна
Keywords: humanity and biosphere, global crisis;
false predictions, the emergence of noo- technologies and noosciences (wisetechnologies & wisesciences),
three mega-revolutions,
the in- dustrial noo-revolution, true Prehistory
Issue Date: 18-Sep-2024
Abstract: The forecasts of the 1990s were optimistic, but today humanity is in crisis and confusion. The number of doubly intelligent Homo (HSS) has exceeded 8 billion individuals and is growing rapidly. There are already more than 8 million PhD-level scientists, but world leaders ignore their knowledge and continue to destroy the biosphere. The article analyzes modern forecasts of the future and points out their shortcomings. The authors analyzes the HSS crisis in an original way and offer non-traditional means of overcoming it — nootechnologies and noosciences (wisetech- nology & wisesciences). In 2000, in the stream of new nanotechnologies, the responsible author noticed the first two nootechnologies that provide people with what they need and heal the bio- sphere. Today, there are more than 40 such nooprocesses, but world and science leaders (Davos, UN, G7, G20) do not see them and propose a false strategy called "Industry 4.0". We have noticed and are studying three global phenomena (mega-revolutions No. 1, No. 2, and No. 3), which today began to change "everything" on the planet — production, humanitarian knowledge, and the field of information technologies. The purpose of the article is to explain to all HSS the strategic importance of the three mega-revolutions and to prove the possibility of eliminating the threats of collapse-XXI on the basis of nootechnologies and noosciences. The sequence of their appearance and activation is explained — 2000, 2010 and 2022. In 2010, scientists started mega-revolution No. 2 in the humanitarian sphere. Archaeologists and others determine the age of artifacts and the genetic composition of their organic component, and biologists analyze the laws of HSS think- ing and behavior at the molecular level. Historical and other sciences move from hypotheses, myths and fakes to facts and precise measurements. We propose the integral term "noohistory" for new knowledge about the past. This is the true science of the past (about Prehistory), which forms the basis of the article. The main task is to create an author's version of the "Ukrainian National Idea- XXI" and describe the latest achievements of noohistory. Based on them, we prove that the carriers of Ukrainian genes made decisive contributions to the social progress of mankind. These are several mega feats: 1) the transition from cannibalism to humanism through the establishment of the proto-Ukrainian archetype and the invention of agriculture; 2) ideological and technological sup- port for the emergence of the Indo-European linguistic and cultural world; 3) the invention of a universal world religion (Zoroastrianism); 4) creation of V.I. Vernadskyi in the early 1920s of the theory of noosymbiosis of humanity and the biosphere. The modern resistance of Ukrainians to the attack of the Rashists should be recognized as the "5th mega feat of Ukrainians". We use a very effective complex methodology as a combination of classical and modern sciences within the framework of the principle of global evolutionism. We use the advice of the French historian F. Braudel to analyze peoples, states or other large systems based on all the knowledge of humanity at the time of analysis. Relying on 1-2 sciences, as they do in Davos or the UN, leads to limited results and false forecasts. We do not guarantee the use of "all the knowledge of HSS", but rely on the achievements of dozens of classical and noosciences. That's why our source base is very wide with an emphasis on publications of recent years and months. The results of our research should include a critical analysis of global forecasts of the evolution of humanity in the 21st century, a proposal to eliminate threats through the use of nootechnologies and noosciences, the creation of an author's version of the "Ukrainian National Idea-XXI", as well as proposals to the Ministry of Science and Education of Ukraine in plans to modernize the teaching of history in secondary edu- cation, use the achievements of noohistory as a combination of archaeometry, paleogenetics, paleoproteomics, paleoclimatology and several other young sectors of knowledge. We offer com- patriots and all mankind to abandon common worldview errors (one of them is the ban on the use of all terms with "noo-" in the world of Sciences&Arts), to develop and apply noosciences and noo- technologies, to ensure the victory of the Motherland and create the basis for its rapid recovery to the level of the first "no-societies" on Earth.
ISBN: 978-91-65423-86-2
Appears in Collections:ЧІПБ ім. Героїв Чорнобиля

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