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Title: Results of complex criterial fuel and ecological assessment of diesel engine 2Сh10.5/12 for emergency and rescue power plants
Authors: Вамболь, Сергій Олександрович
Кондратенко, Олександр Миколайович
Keywords: technogenic and ecological safety, complex criterial assessment, emergency and rescue equipment, diesel engine
Issue Date: Apr-2017
Publisher: Національний університет цивільного захисту України
Citation: Науково-технічний журнал «Техногенно-екологічна безпека». – Вип. 1. – Х.: НУЦЗУ, 2017. – С. 32 – 38.
Abstract: This article describes methodology, modified mathematical apparatus and results of application of prof. Parsadanov complex fuel and ecological criteria for assessment of ecological safety level of exploitation process of emergency and rescue equipment which powered with piston ICE on example of autotractor diesel engine 2Ch10.5/12. The study found that ratio between monetary equivalents of criteria components are vary from mode to mode of testing cycle and reaches maximum on minimal idling modes. Values of criteria reaches maximum on the mode of nominal power. Exploitation of diesel engine on loading characteristic with crankshaft speed of maximal torque mode is less preferred, than its exploitation on loading characteristic with crankshaft speed of nominal power mode. Exploitation of that diesel engine on modes with zero and low effective power is characterized by extremely low fuel and ecological effectiveness. Scientific novelty of the research results is that carried out using experimental data of motor bench tests on example of autotractor diesel engine 2Ch10.5/12, that operates on 13-mode standardized steady testing cycle both for the whole cycle, and for its individual modes. Practical value of the research results is that with modified mathematical apparatus can be carried out assessment of ecological safety level of exploitation process of emergency and rescue equipment, which powered with piston ICE of any type.
Appears in Collections:Кафедра прикладної механіки

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