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Title: Technological Control of Production of Plastic Lubricants by Rheological Properties
Authors: Grigorov, Andrey
Tulskaya, Alena
Bondarenko, Oleksandr
Petukhova, Olena
Bryhada, Olena
Nahliuk, Mikhail
Keywords: Rheology
Plastic lubricants
Product innovation
Process innovation
Issue Date: 2024
Publisher: Petroleum and Coal
Citation: Grigorov, A., Tulskaya, A., Bondarenko, O., Petukhova O., Bryhada, O., Nahliuk, M. Technological Control of Production of Plastic Lubricants by Rheological Properties / Petroleum and Coal, 2024, 66(1), P. 223–230
Abstract: The article substantiates the importance of technological control of the production of plastic lubricants which characterizes physical, chemical or operational properties. Effective dynamic viscosity has been considered the most appropriate characteristics for technological control of for production of plastic lubricants. Effective dynamic viscosity of two-component plastic lubricant produced from secondary raw materials, as well as lubricants obtained using classical petroleum raw materials and soap thickeners, significantly depends on the viscosity of the base oil. It was defined that type of polymer thickener has rather insignificant effect on the value of the effective dynamic viscosity comparing to viscosity of the base oil. High-density polyethylene (HDPE) has the biggest thickening effect on the base oil, and polypropylene (PP) has the least. A diagram of location of the viscosity measuring sensors in the middle of the apparatus for dispersing the polymer thickener in base oil as a dispersion area was proposed. It helps to optimize the process of dispersing the polymer thickener by controlling the duration technological process that results in reducing the consumption of energy resources.
Description: Grigorov, A., Tulskaya, A., Bondarenko, O., Petukhova O., Bryhada, O., Nahliuk, M. Technological Control of Production of Plastic Lubricants by Rheological Properties / Petroleum and Coal, 2024, 66(1), P. 223–230
ISSN: 1337-7027
Appears in Collections:Кафедра охорони праці та техногенно-екологічної безпеки

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