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Title: The Method of Interpolation of the Charred Zone in the Cross-Section of Wooden Beams with Fire-Resistant Cladding Based on Impregnated Plywood
Authors: Некора, Ольга Валеріївна
Поздєєв, Сергій Валерійович
Змага, Яна Василівна
Змага, Микола Іванович
Ніжник, Вадим Васильович
Keywords: fire wood plywood mathematical modeling of charring depth Bezier lines
Issue Date: 2024
Publisher: Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Wood & Fire Safety 2024
Citation: Wood & Fire Safety 2024
Series/Report no.:;
Abstract: This article discusses the developed method of interpolation of the charring zone in cross-sections of wooden beams with fire-resistant cladding based on impregnated plywood using a generalized mathematical description using Bezier curve based on experimental studies. In accordance with the obtained temperature distributions, using Bezier curve, with the help of modeling the charred zone, it was possible to depict in detail the process of charring of samplesfragments of a wooden beam without fire protection and with fire-resistant cladding based on impregnated plywood with a layer thickness of 10 mm and 20 mm. Also, in accordance with the standard temperature regime of the fire, the dependences of the side and end thicknesses, charring rates of the examined fragments-samples of wooden beams depending on the exposure time were determined, and the appearance with the corresponding regression coefficients was determined. The results of exposure of samples-fragments of wooden beams with fireproof lining on the basis of impregnated plywood of different thicknesses and without fireproof lining are also revealed. Sample research was based on visual and graphic analysis of charring depth, which testified to the effectiveness of fire-resistant cladding based on impregnated plywood.
ISBN: ISBN 978-3-031-59176-1
Appears in Collections:ЧІПБ ім. Героїв Чорнобиля

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