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Title: Contact-Condensation Binders Containing in Polymers
Authors: Тригуб, Володимир Віталійович
Maistrenko, Alla
Berdnyk, Oksana
Amelina, Natalia
Petrikova, Evgenia
Keywords: Adsorption
Contact-Condensation Binders
Ecological Safety
Polivinyle Acetate Dispersion
Water-Resistant Polymer
Issue Date: 2024
Publisher: Materials Science Forum
Abstract: The current paper focuses on the processes which bring about the formation of water-resistant polymer-containing film coatings based on contact-condensation binders. With the aid of complex physical-chemical investigations, the interactions in the polymer silicate systems and especially those which are stipulated by the structure state of silicates have been studied. These silicates are represented by highly dispersed, amorphous or sub-microcrystalline phases. Established that, the properties of coatings, namely, increased water and atmospheric resistance, are determined by formation of chemical bonds in the system “Polyvinylacetate-calcium silicate hydrate”. Exposed the differences in the processes of structure formation, depending on the special features of the mineral components. The interaction activity of calcium silicate hydrates, to a cernain extent is higher than for the unhydrous analogues of the stable crystalline structure. Presented the experimental results of the developed contact-condensation binders for composite materials based on industrial waste products, particularly, red bauxite slime. Therefore, the technological processes for production of such binders are based on the methods which enable to synthesize materials with the given structural features. Hence, the present research is directed to the development of new white and coloured painting materials.
Appears in Collections:Кафедра пожежної профілактики в населених пунктах

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