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dc.contributor.authorYurchenko, Liubov-
dc.contributor.authorGontarenko, Liudmila-
dc.identifier.citationVolunteering as an element of the social responsibility of a person and society. The 6th International scientific and practical conference “Scientific research: modern challenges and future prospects” (January 20-22, 2025) MDPC Publishing, Munich, Germany. 2025. 608 p. С. 429-432.ISBN 978-3-954753-06-2. UDC 001uk_UA
dc.description.abstractThe main goal of a volunteer is to protect the rights and freedoms of a person, to support him both materially and psychologically, as well as to fulfill his civic duties. Volunteering is usually understood as humanitarian activity, during which a person or a group performs a certain work - provides help, volunteer services, not for financial gain. Consider volunteering as a tool to develop skills and to promote welfare or improve the quality of human life, to unite the nation, and to resist under conditions of worsening socio-political dangers. In addition, it is designed to establish contacts for possible employment.uk_UA
dc.publisherMDPC Publishing, Munich, Germanyuk_UA
dc.relation.ispartofseriesThe 6th International scientific and practical conference “Scientific research: modern challenges and future prospects” (January 20-22, 2025);-
dc.subjectcharitable activity, and specifies that benefactors, volunteer realizesuk_UA
dc.titleVolunteering as an element of the social responsibility of a person and society.uk_UA
dc.title.alternativeVolunteering as an element of the social responsibility of a person and society. The 6th International scientific and practical conference “Scientific research: modern challenges and future prospects” (January 20-22, 2025) MDPC Publishing, Munich, Germany. 2025. 608 p. С. 429-432.ISBN 978-3-954753-06-2. UDC 001uk_UA
Розташовується у зібраннях:Кафедра соціальних і гуманітарних дисциплін

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