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Authors: Shvedun, V.
Siemilietov, O.
Keywords: environmental security
state policy
clime change
Issue Date: 2024
Publisher: НУЦЗУ
Citation: Public administration and state security aspects
Series/Report no.: Vol.2/2024;
Abstract: The authors examine the state policy of environmental security in Ukraine. In particular, the authors study the structure of the market of environmental services; indicate the impact of the military activity on the environment and define the concept of “ecocide”. The authors argue that the structure of the market of environmental services on the territory of Ukraine includes the following components: environmental information; environmental and economic licensing and accreditation; environmental certification; development of environmentally friendly technology; services for assessment and compensation of environmental damage; an automated system for assessing the impact environment on the state; environmental insurance, legal maintenance, service maintenance in the field of natural territories. The authors show that the assessment of the damage caused to the ecosystem of Ukraine is closely related to the specifics of each individual region that has undergone hostilities. It should be noted that before the start of the war, some environmental problems of these regions were not properly resolved
Appears in Collections:Vol.2/2024

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