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Результати 51-60 зі 61.
Знайдені матеріали:
Дата випускуНазваАвтор(и)
2023Моделювання загроз та протидії проникнення безпілотних літальних апаратів на об’єкти критичної інфраструктуриШевченко, Роман Іванович
2023Methods of identifying the main signs of an extraordinary situation at critical infrastructure facilitiesShevchenko, Roman
2023Mathematical models for detecting the danger of critical infrastructure objects by unmanned aerial vehiclesШевченко, Роман Іванович
2023A dataset on the features of the elimination of explosive objects using a dome-shaped protective device with a loadШевченко, Роман Іванович
2023Information technologies for the prevention of emergency situations at chemical industry facilitiesШевченко, Роман Іванович
2023Informational methods of emergency prevention due to explosion in tunnelsШевченко, Роман Іванович
2023Mathematical models for detecting the danger of critical infrastructure objects by unmanned aerial vehiclesShevchenko, Roman
2023A dataset on the features of the elimination of explosive objects using a dome-shaped protective device with a loadShevchenko, Roman
2023Information technologies for the prevention of emergency situations at chemical industry facilitiesShevchenko, Roman
2023Generalization of the characteristics of critical state infrastructure objectsШевченко Роман