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Title: Using Monte-Carlo method for assessment of environmental risk caused by wasterwater discharges into a watercourse
Authors: Рибалова, Ольга Володимирівна
Проскурнін, Олег Аскольдович
Бєлан, Сергій Володимирович
Смірнова, Світлана Олександрівна
Issue Date: 2014
Citation: Efektivni nastroje modernich ved-2014: materiali X mezinarodni vedecko-prakticka konference (27 dubna – 05 kvetna 2014 roku) Praha, 2014 – P. 38-44
Abstract: One of the biggest environmental problems in economically developed countries is a contamination of water bodies (WB) by industrial, field, agricultural and municipal wastewater (WW). In a number of post-Soviet countries, particularly in the Russian Federation and Ukraine, in order to provide the contamination level above the safe one it is developed and approved standards of pollutants discharge. The standard of pollutants discharge is a limit mass of the substance, which is allowed to discharge into WW per unit time
Appears in Collections:Кафедра охорони праці та техногенно-екологічної безпеки

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