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Authors: 1. Кучеренко, Сергій Михайлович
Кучерено, Наталія Сергіївна
Шевченко, Олександр Сергіївич
Шевченко, Валентина Володимірівна
Камишан, Анатолій Іванович
Keywords: health saving, «Health Pedagogy», «Fundamentals of Medical Knowledge», qualimetric model, factor-criterion analysis.
Issue Date: 2022
Publisher: Харківськии̮ національнии̮ університет імені В. Н. Каразіна
Citation: Харківськии̮ національнии̮ університет імені В. Н. Каразіна
Abstract: The purpose of the arƟcle. To compare the formaƟon of valeological competence in students of the same educaƟonal level who were trained in a standardized valeological program in condiƟons of classroom and distance learning. Research methods. The study used methods: qualimetric and expert assessments – to form a factorcriterion model of valeological competence, pedagogical experiment and mathemaƟcal staƟsƟcs – to calculate and compare the results of the formaƟon of valeological competence, randomizaƟon – to form comparison groups. The main results of the study. It is established that valeological competence and the vast majority of its components (13/14) are beƩer formed during classroom training. Thus, a high level of competence (75–100%) was reached by 14.4% of students who studied in the classroom form (offline), and only 10.1% of students who studied in the distance form (online). Possible reasons for this difference are the need to conduct classroom classes (trainings, role-playing games, emergency training) and higher iniƟal level of knowledge of human anatomy and physiology in students who have undergone classroom training. Conclusions. It is concluded that it is necessary to return to classroom learning aŌer the end of the COVID-19 pandemic in the world and the war in Ukraine for more successful formaƟon of valeological competence in non-medical students.
ISSN: 2074-8167
Appears in Collections:Кафедра психології діяльності в особливих умовах

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