Дата випуску | Назва | Автор(и) |
2022-07 | Cluster Structure Control of Coatings by Electrochemical Coprecipitation of Metals to Obtain Target Technological Properties | Гапон, Ю.К.; TREGUBOV, Dmytro; SLEPUZHNIKOV, Evgen |
2022 | Cluster Structure Control of Coatings by Electrochemical Coprecipitation of Metals to Obtain Target Technological Properties | Трегубов, Д.Г.; Гапон, Ю.К.; Tregubov, D.; Слепужніков Є.Д.; Lypovyi, V. |
2022-07-15 | "Cluster Structure Control of Coatings by Electrochemical Coprecipitation of Metals to Obtain Target Technological Properties" | Гапон, Ю.К.; TREGUBOV Dmytro; SLEPUZHNIKOV Evgen; LYPOVYI Volodymyr |
2021 | Co-Mo-W Galvanochemical Alloy Application as Cathode Material in the Industrial Wastewater Treatment Processes | Трегубов, Д.Г.; Гапон, Ю.К.; Романова, О.; Чиркіна, М.А.; Tregubov, Dmytro |
2021-07-13 | Co-Mo-W Galvanochemical Alloy Application as Cathode Material in the Industrial Wastewater Treatment Processes | Гапон, Ю.К.; CHYRKINA Maryna, Maryna; TREGUBOV, Dmytro |
2023 | Development of a Corrosion Model Ofthermal Elenents of Nuclear Power Plants | Гапон, Ю.К.; Кустов, Максим Володимирович; Михайловська, Юлія Валеріївна; Чиркіна, М.А. |
2023-05 | Digital Transformations: Challenges and Benefits for the Economy and Society Monograph | Гапон, Ю.К. |
2020-08-07 | Formation of Fire Retardant Properties in Elastic Silica Coatings for Textile Materials | Skorodumova, Olga; Tarakhno, Olena; Chebotaryova, Olena; Гапон, Ю.К.; Fatih Mehmet, Emen; Скородумова, Ольга Борисівна |
2020 | Formation of Fire Retardant Properties in Elastic Silica Coatings for Textile Materials | Skorodumova, Olga; Tarakhno, Olena; Chebotaryova, Olena; Гапон, Ю.К.; Emen, Fatih Mehmet; Скородумова, Ольга Борисівна; Тарахно, О.В. |
2023 | Galvanic Formation of the Triple Composition Coatings with Improved Functional Properties | Гапон, Ю.К.; TREGUBOV, Dmytro; SLEPUZHNIKOV, Yevhen; KHARLAMOV, Mykhailo |
2023 | Galvanic Formation of the Triple Composition Coatings with Improved Functional Properties | Трегубов, Д.Г.; Tregubov, D.; Гапон, Ю.К.; Hapon, Y.; Slepuzhnikov, Y.; Kharlamov, M. |
2022-07 | Multistage Corrosion of Fuel Element Materials in Nuclear Reactors | Гапон, Ю.К.; KUSTOV, Maksym; CHYRKINA, Maryna |
2022-07 | Multistage Corrosion of Fuel Element Materials in Nuclear Reactors | Гапон, Ю.К.; KUSTOV, Maksym; CHYRKINA, Maryna |
2024 | Nonlinearities correlation of n-alkanes and n-alcohols physicochemical properties | Трегубов, Д.Г.; Трефілова, Л.М.; Гапон, Ю.К.; Мінська, Н.В.; Соколов, Д.Л. |
2025 | Peroxide Conditions Modeling for the Combustion Occurrence | Трегубов, Д.Г.; Чиркіна-Харламова, М.А.; Гапон, Ю.К.; Змага, Я.В.; Tregubov, D. |
2024-08 | Preparation and characterization of 6LiF/ZnS(Ag) scintillator with varying granulometry | Трефілова, Л.М.; Борисова, Л.В.; Гапон, Ю.К. |
2021-08-31 | Recovery method for emergency situations with hazardous substances emission into the atmosphere | Гапон, Ю.К.; Kustov, M.V; Kalugin, V.D.; Hristich, O.V. |
2021-08 | Recovery Method for Emergency Situations with Hazardous Substances Emission into the Atmosphere. | Kustov, Maksym V.; Kalugin, Volodymyr D.; Hristich, Olena V.; Гапон, Ю.К. |
2020-04-28 | Study of catode materials in the electrochemical method of wastewater treatment | Гапон, Ю.К.; Chyrkina, M |